Is Your Employee an Addict? A Guide for Employers

If you’re an employer,  you probably already know it’s important to efficiently fix issues in the workplace when they arise. Substance abuse in your employees can cause an increase in absenteeism and a decrease in work productivity. In a study done by the NSC (National Safety Council), 38% of employers experienced absenteeism and impaired work performance from their employees ( Encouraging your employees to seek addiction treatment can benefit your business, but how do you know who to offer help to? Here’s a few signs that could signify your employee is an addict.

Your Employee is Lethargic

A common sign seen in someone struggling with substance abuse is that they’re always tired and may even be falling asleep at work. Long-term substance misuse affects an individual’s sleep cycle and may be affecting their ability to stay present while on the job. There are many reasons people may show up to work tired, but lethargy paired with a number of other signs could be a sign of addiction.

Your Employee Smells Like Alcohol

A tell-tale sign your employee is an addict or alcoholic is if you smell alcohol on their breath at work. Drinking while on the job could cause serious implications and puts everyone in your workplace at risk, especially if there’s machinery involved. For more information about the dangers of substance abuse in miners, click HERE.

Absenteeism in the Workplace

If your employee is calling in sick to work a lot, it could be that they’re nursing a hangover or they skipped work to go on a binge. This is a red flag that they’re secretly struggling with addiction, but once they receive proper addiction treatment, they’ll return to work as a more productive employee.

Missing Deadlines or Causing Workplace Incidents

Addiction can affect your employee’s work performance, so if you notice a worker that’s missing their deadlines or coming in late a lot, you should take note of this as a sign of substance abuse. Maybe one of your employees has caused multiple workplace incidents. If you have workers that are using or drinking on the job, it’s important to take action and encourage them to get addiction treatment to prevent these accidents.

How to Help Your Employees Struggling With Substance Abuse

While these are just a few red flags to look out for in your employees, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are an addict, but don’t let these signs go unnoticed. If you recognize some of the signs or your employee’s behavior seems off, you can help them find treatment before the problem escalates in both their personal life and the workplace.

You can help the workplace as a whole, by bringing awareness and destigmatizing substance abuse. Addiction is a disease and like any disease, it won’t get better until the addict or alcoholic gets treatment. Make your employees feel comfortable to come to you if they’re struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues. If your company doesn’t have an EAP (Employee Assistance Program) already, consider getting one. This free confidential resource for your workers can provide unbiased advice and referrals to residential addiction treatment programs like Acqua Recovery. For more information on EAPs, click HERE.

If you do notice signs of addiction in your workers, give us a call. We offer free addiction assessments over the phone with our caring admissions team. Acqua Recovery’s admissions team, Matt, Brian, and Ashlee are all alumni of the program themselves and can encourage your employee to make the right decision to seek addiction treatment. For more information on how to spot substance abuse in your workplace and how to help your employees, give us a call today.

Is Your Employee an Addict? A Guide for Employers

Dr. Daniel Pickrell

Dr. Daniel Pickrell
Medical Reviewer

Dr. Pickrell is a board-certified psychiatrist with interests in addiction and psychiatry. He strives to identify the underlying cause of substance use. His understanding of addiction as the overlapping symptoms of biopsychosocial development is the foundation to his care model. He is committed to helping both patients and families understand that addiction is a treatable medical illness. He has been involved in the treatment of addiction for the last 17 years and completed his residency training at the University of Utah.

If you're an employer,  you probably already know it’s important to efficiently fix issues in the workplace when they arise. Substance abuse in your employees can cause an increase in absenteeism and a decrease in work productivity. In a study done by the NSC (National Safety Council), 38% of employers experienced absenteeism and impaired work performance from their employees ( Encouraging your employees to seek addiction treatment can benefit your business, but how do you know who to offer help to? Here’s a few signs that could signify your employee is an addict.

Your Employee is Lethargic

A common sign seen in someone struggling with substance abuse is that they’re always tired and may even be falling asleep at work. Long-term substance misuse affects an individual’s sleep cycle and may be affecting their ability to stay present while on the job. There are many reasons people may show up to work tired, but lethargy paired with a number of other signs could be a sign of addiction.

Your Employee Smells Like Alcohol

A tell-tale sign your employee is an addict or alcoholic is if you smell alcohol on their breath at work. Drinking while on the job could cause serious implications and puts everyone in your workplace at risk, especially if there's machinery involved. For more information about the dangers of substance abuse in miners, click HERE.

Absenteeism in the Workplace

If your employee is calling in sick to work a lot, it could be that they’re nursing a hangover or they skipped work to go on a binge. This is a red flag that they’re secretly struggling with addiction, but once they receive proper addiction treatment, they’ll return to work as a more productive employee.

Missing Deadlines or Causing Workplace Incidents

Addiction can affect your employee’s work performance, so if you notice a worker that’s missing their deadlines or coming in late a lot, you should take note of this as a sign of substance abuse. Maybe one of your employees has caused multiple workplace incidents. If you have workers that are using or drinking on the job, it’s important to take action and encourage them to get addiction treatment to prevent these accidents.

How to Help Your Employees Struggling With Substance Abuse

While these are just a few red flags to look out for in your employees, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are an addict, but don't let these signs go unnoticed. If you recognize some of the signs or your employee's behavior seems off, you can help them find treatment before the problem escalates in both their personal life and the workplace.

You can help the workplace as a whole, by bringing awareness and destigmatizing substance abuse. Addiction is a disease and like any disease, it won’t get better until the addict or alcoholic gets treatment. Make your employees feel comfortable to come to you if they’re struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues. If your company doesn’t have an EAP (Employee Assistance Program) already, consider getting one. This free confidential resource for your workers can provide unbiased advice and referrals to residential addiction treatment programs like Acqua Recovery. For more information on EAPs, click HERE.

If you do notice signs of addiction in your workers, give us a call. We offer free addiction assessments over the phone with our caring admissions team. Acqua Recovery’s admissions team, Matt, Brian, and Ashlee are all alumni of the program themselves and can encourage your employee to make the right decision to seek addiction treatment. For more information on how to spot substance abuse in your workplace and how to help your employees, give us a call today.

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