Addiction Recovery

Woman overcoming barriers and receiving addiction treatment

Barriers to Treatment and How to Overcome Them

You know you need therapy for your addiction or mental health problems, but you’re putting it off. Perhaps you’ve tried before and had a negative experience, or you’re too afraid of the stigma, or the expense seems excessive. There are many obstacles in the way of people getting the help they need. The good news is that there are ways to overcome them, and Acqua Recovery in Utah is here to support you through the journey.

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women on a recovery during the holidays

Supporting Your Loved One in Recovery During the Holidays

The holidays are a fun and exciting time to visit with friends and family and partake in traditions and festivities. However, this can also be a very difficult time for those in drug or alcohol addiction recovery due to emotional and physical triggers as well as the usual holiday stress. As a friend or family member to someone working on their recovery, you may be wondering what you can do to help them stay sober during the holidays.

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The VA & Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab: What’s Covered & What’s Not

By Matt Biekert

Since the Civil War, the American government has been dedicated to assisting its veterans. In reality, that’s been done with varying degrees of success over time.

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