December 2023

Woman overcoming barriers and receiving addiction treatment

Barriers to Treatment and How to Overcome Them

You know you need therapy for your addiction or mental health problems, but you’re putting it off. Perhaps you’ve tried before and had a negative experience, or you’re too afraid of the stigma, or the expense seems excessive. There are many obstacles in the way of people getting the help they need. The good news is that there are ways to overcome them, and Acqua Recovery in Utah is here to support you through the journey.

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how to stage an intervention for a loved one

Best Practices and How to Stage an Intervention

Watching a loved one or family member struggle with alcohol or drug addiction is perhaps one of the most difficult hands to be dealt. You had no control over it, or they may never have struggled in the first place; at least that’s what people tell themselves. The reality of it all is that there’s no way to control an individual’s decisions.

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