Helping an Addicted Loved One Find Recovery in 9 Steps

Watching a spouse, partner or loved one battle addiction can be scary and emotionally exhausting. You’re probably frustrated with the ultimate Catch-22: You love them, but their substance abuse is really taking a toll on your relationship. Helping your loved one find recovery can get you both a better life. But how can you help your addicted partner find recovery? At Acqua Recovery, we can help. We not only work with the individual struggling with addiction; but also, we help them to heal and nurture their relationships in a new life without drugs or alcohol. Here are a few tips on how to start helping your addicted loved one find recovery.

1. Research Addiction & Recovery

One of the first things you need to do is to research addiction, so you have an informed idea of what you’re dealing with. For example, if you think your spouse or partner is simply making bad choices — you’re wrong. Addiction is a disease. Just like any other disease, it needs to be treated professionally. Doing research on substance abuse will help you have a little more insight on their struggles and how you can support them through their recovery.

2. Approach Your Loved One About Their Addiction

Maybe you’ve talked to your loved one about their substance abuse issues before, but it was a disaster. Don’t give up. Try approaching your loved one about their battle with addiction in a kind and loving way, or from another perspective. You never know when it will be the time that works.

3. Don’t Shame Your Addicted Loved One

When you have that talk with your loved one, try not to let that conversation become accusatory or aggressive — even if their substance abuse has caused many issues. Remind yourself and your loved one that you can have a better life if you both are ready to change.

4. Don’t Use Ultimatums to Force Your Loved One Into Addiction Recovery

Talking to an addict about their addiction might not always go over smoothly — even if you intend it too. Remember: They’re very sick, and you need to be the voice of reason. In the heat of the moment, don’t use ultimatums to get your spouse or loved one to get addiction treatment. This can cause feelings of resentment in the future. Instead, if they’re not receptive at first, leave the conversation open ended. This way when your partner calms down or becomes a little more coherent, they may be able to see the importance of them seeking addiction treatment to benefit you and your family. Attempts at recovery are always more successful if the addict or alcoholic chooses to get help themselves.

5. Offer Your Help To Your Addicted Loved One

While you shouldn’t do anything to cross your own boundaries, offer your help to your partner as appropriate. Make them feel as if you’re on their side and rooting for them to begin their life in recovery.

6. Find the Right Addiction Treatment Facility

One of the most crucial steps in helping your loved one find recovery, is to find the right addiction treatment program. Residential addiction treatment programs are known to be successful in getting people sober by allowing them to have time away from their substance of choice. All facilities are not created equal, though. Doing your research to find the right one could be the key factor in whether or not your loved one comes home clean and sober — and stays that way. At Acqua Recovery, we use a powerful dual-diagnosis approach. This means that we focus not only on your partner’s addiction, but also on the underlying mental health issues that could be fueling it. Our Masters-level clinicians truly care about getting your loved one back to you and on the path to a better life.

7. Practice Self-care

Having an addicted loved one has probably taken a huge toll on you. Paradoxically, focusing on yourself for a while could help them. If you don’t take care of yourself first, you won’t have the full emotional capacity to support your partner in their struggle with addiction.

8. Attend Al-Anon Support Meetings

Al-Anon is a support group for the loved ones of addicts or alcoholics. It provides a safe space where you can share your feelings or get advice from someone who has already been through the same situation you’re in now. It can reinforce your hope that it IS possible to change the narrative and have a better life. Give us a call and we’ll help find Al-Anon meetings near you or even virtually. Think Al-Anon isn’t for you? We can also help you find alternative support groups for loved ones of addicts and alcoholics.

9. Get Addiction Help Sooner Rather Than Later

If you’re at your breaking point and want to see your loved one thriving in a life of recovery, reach out to us today. Addiction can’t be overcome alone, but with the right residential addiction treatment program and your support, your partner can find a new way to live. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. At Acqua Recovery, our caring admissions team — Matt, Brian and Ashlee — will answer any questions you may have. We’ll help you and your loved one navigate the beginning of renewal, reconnection, and recovery. Give us a call today.

Helping an Addicted Loved One Find Recovery in 9 Steps

Dr. Daniel Pickrell

Dr. Daniel Pickrell
Medical Reviewer

Dr. Pickrell is a board-certified psychiatrist with interests in addiction and psychiatry. He strives to identify the underlying cause of substance use. His understanding of addiction as the overlapping symptoms of biopsychosocial development is the foundation to his care model. He is committed to helping both patients and families understand that addiction is a treatable medical illness. He has been involved in the treatment of addiction for the last 17 years and completed his residency training at the University of Utah.

Watching a spouse, partner or loved one battle addiction can be scary and emotionally exhausting. You’re probably frustrated with the ultimate Catch-22: You love them, but their substance abuse is really taking a toll on your relationship. Helping your loved one find recovery can get you both a better life. But how can you help your addicted partner find recovery? At Acqua Recovery, we can help. We not only work with the individual struggling with addiction; but also, we help them to heal and nurture their relationships in a new life without drugs or alcohol. Here are a few tips on how to start helping your addicted loved one find recovery.

1. Research Addiction & Recovery

One of the first things you need to do is to research addiction, so you have an informed idea of what you’re dealing with. For example, if you think your spouse or partner is simply making bad choices — you’re wrong. Addiction is a disease. Just like any other disease, it needs to be treated professionally. Doing research on substance abuse will help you have a little more insight on their struggles and how you can support them through their recovery.

2. Approach Your Loved One About Their Addiction

Maybe you’ve talked to your loved one about their substance abuse issues before, but it was a disaster. Don’t give up. Try approaching your loved one about their battle with addiction in a kind and loving way, or from another perspective. You never know when it will be the time that works.

3. Don’t Shame Your Addicted Loved One

When you have that talk with your loved one, try not to let that conversation become accusatory or aggressive — even if their substance abuse has caused many issues. Remind yourself and your loved one that you can have a better life if you both are ready to change.

4. Don’t Use Ultimatums to Force Your Loved One Into Addiction Recovery

Talking to an addict about their addiction might not always go over smoothly — even if you intend it too. Remember: They’re very sick, and you need to be the voice of reason. In the heat of the moment, don’t use ultimatums to get your spouse or loved one to get addiction treatment. This can cause feelings of resentment in the future. Instead, if they’re not receptive at first, leave the conversation open ended. This way when your partner calms down or becomes a little more coherent, they may be able to see the importance of them seeking addiction treatment to benefit you and your family. Attempts at recovery are always more successful if the addict or alcoholic chooses to get help themselves.

5. Offer Your Help To Your Addicted Loved One

While you shouldn’t do anything to cross your own boundaries, offer your help to your partner as appropriate. Make them feel as if you’re on their side and rooting for them to begin their life in recovery.

6. Find the Right Addiction Treatment Facility

One of the most crucial steps in helping your loved one find recovery, is to find the right addiction treatment program. Residential addiction treatment programs are known to be successful in getting people sober by allowing them to have time away from their substance of choice. All facilities are not created equal, though. Doing your research to find the right one could be the key factor in whether or not your loved one comes home clean and sober — and stays that way. At Acqua Recovery, we use a powerful dual-diagnosis approach. This means that we focus not only on your partner’s addiction, but also on the underlying mental health issues that could be fueling it. Our Masters-level clinicians truly care about getting your loved one back to you and on the path to a better life.

7. Practice Self-care

Having an addicted loved one has probably taken a huge toll on you. Paradoxically, focusing on yourself for a while could help them. If you don’t take care of yourself first, you won’t have the full emotional capacity to support your partner in their struggle with addiction.

8. Attend Al-Anon Support Meetings

Al-Anon is a support group for the loved ones of addicts or alcoholics. It provides a safe space where you can share your feelings or get advice from someone who has already been through the same situation you’re in now. It can reinforce your hope that it IS possible to change the narrative and have a better life. Give us a call and we’ll help find Al-Anon meetings near you or even virtually. Think Al-Anon isn’t for you? We can also help you find alternative support groups for loved ones of addicts and alcoholics.

9. Get Addiction Help Sooner Rather Than Later

If you’re at your breaking point and want to see your loved one thriving in a life of recovery, reach out to us today. Addiction can’t be overcome alone, but with the right residential addiction treatment program and your support, your partner can find a new way to live. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. At Acqua Recovery, our caring admissions team — Matt, Brian and Ashlee — will answer any questions you may have. We’ll help you and your loved one navigate the beginning of renewal, reconnection, and recovery. Give us a call today.

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