Addiction Recovery Tips: How to Be a Recovery Role Model

If you’ve been stuck in the cycle of addiction, then you know how awful it is. Shame, guilt, fear, and desperation are all hallmarks of drug and alcohol abuse — and it’s all too easy to leave them behind once you find recovery. Whether you went to an addiction treatment program or not, getting clean and sober means totally rethinking every aspect of your life and creating a world where addiction has no place. However, building lifelong recovery doesn’t mean totally turning your back on drug and alcohol addiction. Even if you’re one of the lucky ones, there always will be millions of people who struggle. One of the best ways to strengthen your own recovery and pay forward the grace that was granted to you is by being a recovery role model. Here are simple tips to help you help others who are fighting the ultimate battle with addiction.

How to Be a Recovery Role Model for Someone Struggling With Addiction

Pay Attention to Signs of Addiction in Others

Sometimes we get so caught up in living our own lives that we forget to check in with those around us — even the ones we love the most. Pay attention to possible signs of addiction. As a recovering addict or alcoholic, you can recognize first-hand the smallest signs of trouble, such as sweating, swelling, sudden weight loss, shakes, dark circles, and more. The average “normie” may be able to tell that a person is sick, but only you can bring the experience and empathy that another addict or alcoholic can provide. Don’t leave your friend, family member, or colleague suffering alone in silence.

Think back: Maybe there was a person who reached out to you and shared their concerns about your well-being, putting you on the road to recovery. You could be that person for someone else. If you see active signs of addiction, don’t sit back and wait for things to get even worse. Pay it forward and reach out. A simple call or check-in text could save their life. It will only make you more connected to and grateful for your own recovery as well.

Reach Out at Recovery Meetings

A great way to be a good recovery role model is to attend recovery meetings on a regular basis. Depending on how long you’ve been sober, it’s easy to get too comfortable with your recovery routine. You might stop sharing at meetings as much, and you might even start to think that you don’t need to attend meetings that much anymore. Think again! No matter how many years you’ve been clean and sober, you’re never totally out of the woods. You never know when an unfortunate life situation could hit you, triggering a relapse. Having regular support from the people at recovery meetings could prevent you from going off the rails when times get tough.

Attending meetings on a regular basis will also set a good example for others that may be in early recovery. If you don’t normally attend a recovery meeting or you don’t have a “home group” (a meeting you attend on a regular basis), give Acqua Recovery a call. We can suggest meetings near you that could be a good fit, including AA, NA, or other alternatives.

Remember: Going to a recovery meeting isn’t just about helping yourself. You’re also a living example of the power and possibilities of recovery for others struggling with addiction. You may cross paths with someone who is battling the demons you’ve already conquered, and maybe you’ll be able to help.

While recovery meetings are beneficial, they may not always be enough to get someone on the path to early recovery. As you may already know, residential drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs are extremely helpful for an individual trying to get sober. For some, professional treatment may be the only way to overcome addiction. Whether you went to a residential treatment program or not, you might end up discussing treatment with a person you see struggling to stay sober at your recovery meeting. If you do, it’s important that you emphasize the fact that every residential addiction treatment program is different. It’s only finding the RIGHT residential addiction treatment center that can truly help someone overcome addiction for good.

At Acqua Recovery, we use a trauma-informed approach to treat dual-diagnoses, meaning that our Masters-level clinicians treat addiction and any underlying mental health disorders. Give our caring admissions team a call today. Even if we are at capacity, we help every caller find a solution. Why? Because we truly care.

Attend Addiction Recovery Alumni Meetings & Be a Sponsor

Another great way to be a recovery role model is to regularly attend alumni meetings and events. At Acqua Recovery, we have a strong alumni network. By attending these meetings, you can meet individuals in early recovery and inspire them to continue on their path to a better life by staying connected. Even if it’s someone who isn’t in early recovery, you never know when someone is going to need a helping hand. By you being there, you could inspire them to go on and help others in the future.

If you are an Acqua Recovery alumni, call us today to find out about our upcoming alumni meetings and events. You might even want to offer yourself as a sponsor to a new graduate of the program! If you’re not familiar with the term sponsor, it means a person who has been in recovery for a long time takes on the responsibility of guiding another person in early recovery, helping them stay on the right path. As a sponsor, you can take someone else under your wing and change their life for the better. When your sponsee calls you frantic, worried they will relapse, you can be there to give them advice and share about your success in recovery.

In sum, pay it forward. It’s often said that you support your own recovery by helping others. “You’ve got to give it away to keep it.” Inspire others today and yourself today by finding out how you can play a role in someone else’s recovery. You could help someone else change their life’s story for the better. Save a life and reach out to us today.

Addiction Recovery Tips: How to Be a Recovery Role Model

Dr. Daniel Pickrell

Dr. Daniel Pickrell
Medical Reviewer

Dr. Pickrell is a board-certified psychiatrist with interests in addiction and psychiatry. He strives to identify the underlying cause of substance use. His understanding of addiction as the overlapping symptoms of biopsychosocial development is the foundation to his care model. He is committed to helping both patients and families understand that addiction is a treatable medical illness. He has been involved in the treatment of addiction for the last 17 years and completed his residency training at the University of Utah.

If you’ve been stuck in the cycle of addiction, then you know how awful it is. Shame, guilt, fear, and desperation are all hallmarks of drug and alcohol abuse — and it’s all too easy to leave them behind once you find recovery. Whether you went to an addiction treatment program or not, getting clean and sober means totally rethinking every aspect of your life and creating a world where addiction has no place. However, building lifelong recovery doesn’t mean totally turning your back on drug and alcohol addiction. Even if you’re one of the lucky ones, there always will be millions of people who struggle. One of the best ways to strengthen your own recovery and pay forward the grace that was granted to you is by being a recovery role model. Here are simple tips to help you help others who are fighting the ultimate battle with addiction.

How to Be a Recovery Role Model for Someone Struggling With Addiction

Pay Attention to Signs of Addiction in Others

Sometimes we get so caught up in living our own lives that we forget to check in with those around us — even the ones we love the most. Pay attention to possible signs of addiction. As a recovering addict or alcoholic, you can recognize first-hand the smallest signs of trouble, such as sweating, swelling, sudden weight loss, shakes, dark circles, and more. The average “normie” may be able to tell that a person is sick, but only you can bring the experience and empathy that another addict or alcoholic can provide. Don’t leave your friend, family member, or colleague suffering alone in silence.

Think back: Maybe there was a person who reached out to you and shared their concerns about your well-being, putting you on the road to recovery. You could be that person for someone else. If you see active signs of addiction, don’t sit back and wait for things to get even worse. Pay it forward and reach out. A simple call or check-in text could save their life. It will only make you more connected to and grateful for your own recovery as well.

Reach Out at Recovery Meetings

A great way to be a good recovery role model is to attend recovery meetings on a regular basis. Depending on how long you’ve been sober, it’s easy to get too comfortable with your recovery routine. You might stop sharing at meetings as much, and you might even start to think that you don’t need to attend meetings that much anymore. Think again! No matter how many years you’ve been clean and sober, you’re never totally out of the woods. You never know when an unfortunate life situation could hit you, triggering a relapse. Having regular support from the people at recovery meetings could prevent you from going off the rails when times get tough.

Attending meetings on a regular basis will also set a good example for others that may be in early recovery. If you don’t normally attend a recovery meeting or you don’t have a “home group” (a meeting you attend on a regular basis), give Acqua Recovery a call. We can suggest meetings near you that could be a good fit, including AA, NA, or other alternatives.

Remember: Going to a recovery meeting isn’t just about helping yourself. You’re also a living example of the power and possibilities of recovery for others struggling with addiction. You may cross paths with someone who is battling the demons you’ve already conquered, and maybe you’ll be able to help.

While recovery meetings are beneficial, they may not always be enough to get someone on the path to early recovery. As you may already know, residential drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs are extremely helpful for an individual trying to get sober. For some, professional treatment may be the only way to overcome addiction. Whether you went to a residential treatment program or not, you might end up discussing treatment with a person you see struggling to stay sober at your recovery meeting. If you do, it’s important that you emphasize the fact that every residential addiction treatment program is different. It’s only finding the RIGHT residential addiction treatment center that can truly help someone overcome addiction for good.

At Acqua Recovery, we use a trauma-informed approach to treat dual-diagnoses, meaning that our Masters-level clinicians treat addiction and any underlying mental health disorders. Give our caring admissions team a call today. Even if we are at capacity, we help every caller find a solution. Why? Because we truly care.

Attend Addiction Recovery Alumni Meetings & Be a Sponsor

Another great way to be a recovery role model is to regularly attend alumni meetings and events. At Acqua Recovery, we have a strong alumni network. By attending these meetings, you can meet individuals in early recovery and inspire them to continue on their path to a better life by staying connected. Even if it’s someone who isn’t in early recovery, you never know when someone is going to need a helping hand. By you being there, you could inspire them to go on and help others in the future.

If you are an Acqua Recovery alumni, call us today to find out about our upcoming alumni meetings and events. You might even want to offer yourself as a sponsor to a new graduate of the program! If you’re not familiar with the term sponsor, it means a person who has been in recovery for a long time takes on the responsibility of guiding another person in early recovery, helping them stay on the right path. As a sponsor, you can take someone else under your wing and change their life for the better. When your sponsee calls you frantic, worried they will relapse, you can be there to give them advice and share about your success in recovery.

In sum, pay it forward. It’s often said that you support your own recovery by helping others. “You’ve got to give it away to keep it.” Inspire others today and yourself today by finding out how you can play a role in someone else’s recovery. You could help someone else change their life’s story for the better. Save a life and reach out to us today.

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