Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms During Detox

Alcohol abuse can interfere with every facet of life. However, many people worry about alcohol withdrawal symptoms. By recognizing these symptoms early, you can seek help in a timely manner. It is important to know what to expect before seeking treatment after prolonged alcohol use. Detox is the first step to getting clean. Here, we talk about withdrawal and the overall detox process, including the next steps.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Can Happen to Anyone

Your overall health, length of alcohol abuse, and typical daily dose determine the severity of withdrawal symptoms. However, they can happen to anyone. Whether you’ve been drinking in excess for a few months or a few years, the drug affects you. As a nervous system depressant, it influences neurotransmitters such as dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid.

A Typical Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline

You start feeling early withdrawal symptoms about six to eight hours after your last drink. Moreover, you feel anxious as if you should be doing something. Heart rates spike and slow down, which causes rapid body temperature changes. Symptoms worsen over the next couple of days. You can’t sleep or keep food down. Throwing up with co-occurring diarrhea can result in dehydration. In addition, agitation now gets worse. Working with therapists at an alcohol addiction rehab program is vital. Not only do they assist you with sticking to your resolve, but they also help with symptom management. Above all, medical experts at the facility protect your physiological health. If you are among the few who experience seizures or delirium tremens (DTs), they provide immediate intervention.

What Rehab Looks Like

When you work with a holistic addiction treatment center, you have access to a broad range of therapies. Acqua Recovery offers a wide variety of therapies to help you or a loved one overcome alcohol addiction. For example, these include:

Detoxification can be unpleasant, but it doesn’t have to be painful or dangerous. Don’t try to withdraw by yourself from a drug as dangerous as alcohol. In a facility with medical supervision, we ensure your safety. Moreover, you get a running start for the next step of treatment, which is rehab. Don’t treat rehab as an optional adjunct to your recovery. While detox is relatively quick, it doesn’t tackle the psychological part of addiction. Unless you overcome this part, too, you’re at a high risk of suffering a relapse. Most importantly, rehab is the setting where you find out whether you’re also struggling with an underlying mental health condition.

Get the Treatment You Need in a Restful Environment

Overcome post-acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms in a setting that’s conducive to healing. Proceed with rehab that prepares you for returning to your family, job, or the life that you plan to create. In fact, Acqua Recovery Center wants to partner with you in this critical time in your life. Call 866.830.4628 to connect with our friendly staff today. Don’t wait to get the necessary help. Start your recovery today.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms During Detox

Dr. Daniel Pickrell

Dr. Daniel Pickrell
Medical Reviewer

Dr. Pickrell is a board-certified psychiatrist with interests in addiction and psychiatry. He strives to identify the underlying cause of substance use. His understanding of addiction as the overlapping symptoms of biopsychosocial development is the foundation to his care model. He is committed to helping both patients and families understand that addiction is a treatable medical illness. He has been involved in the treatment of addiction for the last 17 years and completed his residency training at the University of Utah.

Alcohol abuse can interfere with every facet of life. However, many people worry about alcohol withdrawal symptoms. By recognizing these symptoms early, you can seek help in a timely manner. It is important to know what to expect before seeking treatment after prolonged alcohol use. Detox is the first step to getting clean. Here, we talk about withdrawal and the overall detox process, including the next steps.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Can Happen to Anyone

Your overall health, length of alcohol abuse, and typical daily dose determine the severity of withdrawal symptoms. However, they can happen to anyone. Whether you’ve been drinking in excess for a few months or a few years, the drug affects you. As a nervous system depressant, it influences neurotransmitters such as dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid.

A Typical Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline

You start feeling early withdrawal symptoms about six to eight hours after your last drink. Moreover, you feel anxious as if you should be doing something. Heart rates spike and slow down, which causes rapid body temperature changes. Symptoms worsen over the next couple of days. You can’t sleep or keep food down. Throwing up with co-occurring diarrhea can result in dehydration. In addition, agitation now gets worse. Working with therapists at an alcohol addiction rehab program is vital. Not only do they assist you with sticking to your resolve, but they also help with symptom management. Above all, medical experts at the facility protect your physiological health. If you are among the few who experience seizures or delirium tremens (DTs), they provide immediate intervention.

What Rehab Looks Like

When you work with a holistic addiction treatment center, you have access to a broad range of therapies. Acqua Recovery offers a wide variety of therapies to help you or a loved one overcome alcohol addiction. For example, these include:

Detoxification can be unpleasant, but it doesn’t have to be painful or dangerous. Don’t try to withdraw by yourself from a drug as dangerous as alcohol. In a facility with medical supervision, we ensure your safety. Moreover, you get a running start for the next step of treatment, which is rehab. Don’t treat rehab as an optional adjunct to your recovery. While detox is relatively quick, it doesn’t tackle the psychological part of addiction. Unless you overcome this part, too, you’re at a high risk of suffering a relapse. Most importantly, rehab is the setting where you find out whether you’re also struggling with an underlying mental health condition.

Get the Treatment You Need in a Restful Environment

Overcome post-acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms in a setting that’s conducive to healing. Proceed with rehab that prepares you for returning to your family, job, or the life that you plan to create. In fact, Acqua Recovery Center wants to partner with you in this critical time in your life. Call 866.830.4628 to connect with our friendly staff today. Don't wait to get the necessary help. Start your recovery today.

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