Helping Friends Find Addiction Recovery – How To Talk About Treatment

The stigma surrounding mental health and addiction has made it difficult for many to discuss their struggles with substance abuse. This in turn can prolong or even prevent the decision to seek professional treatment — until it’s too late. With the pandemic raging, it’s more important now than ever to decrease the stigma surrounding addiction and let those struggling know they are not alone. If you’re an alumni of Acqua Recovery or you’re in recovery yourself, don’t forget to check in with those around you about their mental health. One of the best ways you can strengthen your own recovery is by helping your friends find recovery, too. Check out these tips on how to talk about your treatment and recovery.

Don’t Be Afraid To Talk About Your Addiction Recovery

First and foremost, being in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is something you should be proud of. Taking the courageous step to seek addiction treatment doesn’t need to be kept a secret. Talking about your recovery might even help someone come to terms with their addiction and finally seek residential addiction treatment themselves.

Remind Yourself About Your Early Journey to Addiction Recovery

As you probably remember, struggling with substance abuse in silence can be isolating and exhausting. Was there someone that reached out to you and made you feel less alone? Or a conversation that led you to seek addiction treatment? As much as you’ve been focusing on putting your drinking and using days behind you, you should remind yourself of how you felt before you got sober and how you can help those you care about that are struggling now.

Approach Friends In a Caring Way About Addiction Recovery

So often when we ask someone, “How are you doing?” we accept the answer, “Fine.” Fine isn’t good enough. Show that you care and ask more specific questions such as, “How has quarantine been affecting you?” Ask questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes,” or, “no.” They will be more willing to open up to you by seeing how you care about their well-being.

When you approach the one you care about, don’t use any accusatory language, as it will only cause defensiveness. Casually let them know not only how you used to feel when you were struggling with addiction yourself, but how your life has turned around since after treatment. By letting them know that they’re not alone in their addiction, they may be more willing to open up to you and accept advice to seek treatment.

How to Talk to Someone Struggling with Addiction

First, let them know that addiction is a disease. Just like any disease, it needs to be treated professionally. Your friend might give you reasons as to why they can’t go to residential addiction treatment — such as not being able to take time off of work or being able to stop on their own. If that happens, here are some responses you can use:

  • If you don’t take the time you need to heal, you’ll most likely end up getting fired from your work anyway. Did you know you’re legally not allowed to be fired if you take a leave of absence to seek addiction treatment? In most cases, that’s true. Take the time you need to get residential addiction treatment and get your life back on track.

  • I’ll tell you from experience that you can’t and shouldn’t try to stop your substance abuse on your own. Withdrawals have serious health implications that can lead to death and need professional medical attention.

Before your conversation, find a residential addiction treatment center that you can mention while you’re discussing their addiction, so they can see they will be in a healing sanctuary away from the triggers of their daily lives. Don’t just come to them with the problem. Come with the solution.

Acqua Recovery could be the solution. Our Midway, Utah, campus provides a serene environment surrounded by bubbling waters and whispering trees. It’s the perfect place to heal.

Even though you’ve already been through the whole process of addiction treatment and early recovery, remember that your friend likely doesn’t know what to expect. If you give them an idea of how they’ll spend their time in residential addiction treatment, that may calm their fears. At Acqua Recovery, our program consists of modalities such as individual therapy, group therapy, relapse prevention, experiential activities, and much more. Our program is customized to each person so that it is as powerful as it is enjoyable.

Need more guidance? If you know someone who is struggling with addiction, reach out to us today! We can share more tips on how to help them get to residential addiction treatment. Our admissions team, Matt, Brian, and Ashlee are all alumni of Acqua Recovery and will make the admissions process as easy as possible, so you can share the gift of recovery with someone else.

Helping Friends Find Addiction Recovery - How To Talk About Treatment

Dr. Daniel Pickrell

Dr. Daniel Pickrell
Medical Reviewer

Dr. Pickrell is a board-certified psychiatrist with interests in addiction and psychiatry. He strives to identify the underlying cause of substance use. His understanding of addiction as the overlapping symptoms of biopsychosocial development is the foundation to his care model. He is committed to helping both patients and families understand that addiction is a treatable medical illness. He has been involved in the treatment of addiction for the last 17 years and completed his residency training at the University of Utah.

The stigma surrounding mental health and addiction has made it difficult for many to discuss their struggles with substance abuse. This in turn can prolong or even prevent the decision to seek professional treatment — until it’s too late. With the pandemic raging, it’s more important now than ever to decrease the stigma surrounding addiction and let those struggling know they are not alone. If you’re an alumni of Acqua Recovery or you’re in recovery yourself, don’t forget to check in with those around you about their mental health. One of the best ways you can strengthen your own recovery is by helping your friends find recovery, too. Check out these tips on how to talk about your treatment and recovery.

Don’t Be Afraid To Talk About Your Addiction Recovery

First and foremost, being in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is something you should be proud of. Taking the courageous step to seek addiction treatment doesn’t need to be kept a secret. Talking about your recovery might even help someone come to terms with their addiction and finally seek residential addiction treatment themselves.

Remind Yourself About Your Early Journey to Addiction Recovery

As you probably remember, struggling with substance abuse in silence can be isolating and exhausting. Was there someone that reached out to you and made you feel less alone? Or a conversation that led you to seek addiction treatment? As much as you’ve been focusing on putting your drinking and using days behind you, you should remind yourself of how you felt before you got sober and how you can help those you care about that are struggling now.

Approach Friends In a Caring Way About Addiction Recovery

So often when we ask someone, “How are you doing?” we accept the answer, “Fine.” Fine isn’t good enough. Show that you care and ask more specific questions such as, “How has quarantine been affecting you?” Ask questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes,'' or, “no.” They will be more willing to open up to you by seeing how you care about their well-being.

When you approach the one you care about, don’t use any accusatory language, as it will only cause defensiveness. Casually let them know not only how you used to feel when you were struggling with addiction yourself, but how your life has turned around since after treatment. By letting them know that they’re not alone in their addiction, they may be more willing to open up to you and accept advice to seek treatment.

How to Talk to Someone Struggling with Addiction

First, let them know that addiction is a disease. Just like any disease, it needs to be treated professionally. Your friend might give you reasons as to why they can't go to residential addiction treatment — such as not being able to take time off of work or being able to stop on their own. If that happens, here are some responses you can use:

  • If you don’t take the time you need to heal, you’ll most likely end up getting fired from your work anyway. Did you know you’re legally not allowed to be fired if you take a leave of absence to seek addiction treatment? In most cases, that’s true. Take the time you need to get residential addiction treatment and get your life back on track.

  • I’ll tell you from experience that you can’t and shouldn’t try to stop your substance abuse on your own. Withdrawals have serious health implications that can lead to death and need professional medical attention.

Before your conversation, find a residential addiction treatment center that you can mention while you’re discussing their addiction, so they can see they will be in a healing sanctuary away from the triggers of their daily lives. Don’t just come to them with the problem. Come with the solution.

Acqua Recovery could be the solution. Our Midway, Utah, campus provides a serene environment surrounded by bubbling waters and whispering trees. It’s the perfect place to heal.

Even though you’ve already been through the whole process of addiction treatment and early recovery, remember that your friend likely doesn’t know what to expect. If you give them an idea of how they’ll spend their time in residential addiction treatment, that may calm their fears. At Acqua Recovery, our program consists of modalities such as individual therapy, group therapy, relapse prevention, experiential activities, and much more. Our program is customized to each person so that it is as powerful as it is enjoyable.

Need more guidance? If you know someone who is struggling with addiction, reach out to us today! We can share more tips on how to help them get to residential addiction treatment. Our admissions team, Matt, Brian, and Ashlee are all alumni of Acqua Recovery and will make the admissions process as easy as possible, so you can share the gift of recovery with someone else.

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